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provision of intelligence for toddlers

by bintan news on Nov.22, 2009, under

provision of intelligence for toddlers During this level of intelligence to be the most important part in the development of a person. If someone has a bright future parents of children who inherit it. Conversely, if parents are swimming in the shallows the possibility of children have no chance to dive deeper. This traditional assumption considers potesi limited intelligence intelligence at the time of child birth. Then was born the modern view of intelligence based on a person's brain capacity. That is, children will learn from experience if parents facilitate children who later have a major impact for the intelligence and potential.

Quoted from Kagan article online magazine titled Raising Smarter Children Develop Your Child's Many Ways Of Being Smart is written by the duo of brothers, Dr. Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan, said that there is a transformation of understanding on intelligence of children. Traditional assumptions about intelligence is when the child is born blessed with a certain level of intelligence which is then regarded as a fixed price. In terms of smart kids is the gift of God but can not diupayaakan.

Dr. Howard Gardner, a psychologist from Harvard University, USA, put forward his theory that intelligence is not entrenched in a certain and limited degree when a person is born. Each person develops intelligence''with a variety of ways, known as multiple intelligence,''he said. Like, Mozart was a genius musician, a composer as well Symphonies became one owner example of musical intelligence. Meanwhile, Einstein was one of the world's scientists have
intelligence and mathematical logic. Was Einstein smarter than Mozart? If judging from the theory of multiple intelligence, Einstein and Mozart are equally bright but different fields. So your child had the chance to develop their intelligence in various fields.

Gardner found the eight intelligences, namely language intelligent, smart logic / mathematical, visual-spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, intelligent motion, nature smart, socially smart, and intelligent self. Every person has the potential to have it, but its development is different.

For years, educators have developed a strategic direction for learning activities more interesting. Schools adopt mulitiple Intelligence through academic approach report that covers the area of intelligence tests in art, music, physical education, social relationships, understanding of self, and love nature. As a parent, you may ask, how to help children learn? The answer is a lot! You can help your child grow smarter by exploring children with a variety of activities.

There are several ideas to develop the intelligence of children that you can apply at home:

1. Linguistics: Reading stories, develop vocabulary by playing word

2. Logic / Math: Encouraging children to count, playing numbers, use the concept of simple addition and p engurangan

3. Visual / Spatial: Describe for your baby, sharing pictures and visual, Allow the baby to play color

4. Musical / Rhythm: Singing, Playing music, Introduce children with various sounds and music

5. Motion Body / Kinesthetic: touch and describe body parts, Encourage children to play with toys and blocks

6. Naturalists: Bring the kids out of the house to see the trees and plants, your domestic pets, Visiting zoos and parks

7.Interpersonal: Let your baby interact with other babies, Playing 'pretend'

8. Intrapersonal: Give the baby time to be alone or in silence

Enriching the brain child described by Kagan in a classic study. Some scientists tested some rats that grow in different environments. A growing rats in an environment filled with toys, whereas rat B does not. Guess which one is more clever mouse? Namely rats A. A rat can get out of the tunnel puzzle faster than the mouse B. The experts also found changes in brain structure. The brain is fully developed and more weight in mice A. Recently, the study tested the primates who have the concept of human-like neural plasticity. In conclusion, someone to grow with better brain development was facilitated a variety of experiences.

Psychologist Risma Elly Moses said, the intelligence of children not only coming from the fulfillment of a balanced nutrition, but also accompanied by stimulation in children. Children are fussy, critical, and happy to tell you, if appropriate shavings will get a verbal linguistic ingenuity, which is a child who is able to interact and convince those around them. "Children like this who knows someday menjad orator such as Bung Karno," said Elly who is also Director of Yayasan Kita and Baby this.

It is unfortunate, he added, if the parents are too imposing their will on children. So the child can not develop the ability to optimally. "Do not let you as a parent too late to know the potential of children, because it can hinder their intelligence later in life," said Elly. Babies and toddlers age is golden period for brain development. When 10-year-old child's brain capacity is well established.

Enrich the home environment

For children the chance to develop the potential of intelligence, then the home environment need to be transformed with a variety of activities and facilities. The most important part to accompany the child to learn is your presence. There are some ideas you can do with your baby:

• Love Books. one of the preferred activities of children are reading. For preschool age children begin to introduce the book of fairy tales, simple poems, readings for children. At school age, introduce children to the magazines, novels, comics, and encyclopedias.
• Television. Believe it or not, the tv can demonstrate many things through the show educational program, or DVD. Or children learn to read through the text dialog that is displayed on the TV screen.
• A lot of writing. Support writing activity by providing a paper, pens, pencils and crayons.

Logic / Math
• Provide mathematical instruments. Let the children explore with compass, ruler, scale, measuring cups.
• Use the equipment. Tools associated with intelligence logic and gestures of children. Each device requires an understanding of logic to use it. Encourage children to learn to use many tools.
• Computers. Your child would like to push the button or play games. At school age children have started to be taught to create a database, surfing websites, or learning Microsoft. Which could build
logic setting and structure of the child.

Visual / Spatial
• Provide tools crafts. It's nice if the child managed to make something with the papers, crayons, scissors and glue.
• Provide a tool to paint. Began to teach children to paint using his fingers and then continued to use watercolor, acrylic and oil paint.
• Using the Software. Children can also draw and create illustrations using a computer.

Musical / Rhythm
• music player. The study found children who listened to Mozart music for 10 minutes, will be better in spatial activities. Research shows some specific types of music can improve children's intelligence.
• Tools Instruments. Research shows playing music not only increases the child's musical intelligence, but also can develop the brain.
• karaoke. Facilitation of children with a variety of songs that can be sung.

The motion of the body / kinesthetic
• Wardrobe Costume. Develop your child's imagination with the play as actors use costumes and makeup.
• Sports Equipment. Sports equipment and games to help develop eye-hand coordination and motor skills of children develop motor skills. Physical activity also plays a role in the development of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that regulate motor function are also some memory, concentration, spatial perception, and language.
• fine motor movement activities. Developing fine motor skills with activities of sewing, knitting, drawing or other activities that use skills and toes.

Naturalis / Natural
• Swimming fish. Try to input his hand into a fish pond or aquarium. Be careful not to children measukan hand to mouth.
• animal pet. Keeping a pet is the best way children interact with animals. Children learn habits, characteristics, and differences in the nature of animals.
• Gardens. A flower or herb garden can be a fun trip. You can also teach the plants in pots.
• Tools observation. Viewing by telescope or use the measuring cup or a microscope to analyze.

• Respect the privacy of children. Sometimes children need time to themselves without any interaction or interference from outside. Children just want to hear his own thoughts. Is there a place thoughtful children at home? Maybe in a room or garden.
• Hobby station. Distribute child support his hobby. You can follow children into classes include photography, journalists, vocals. Music, drawing, to develop intrapersonal intelligence of children.
• Area of learning. An area that children can enjoy his time by writing a diary or put her personal belongings.

Seeing some of the tips above may be many of you who have followed it. That is, children living in a conducive learning environment. If you missed the attention on something, you can balance it by making a subsequent investment to develop education and child's brain. Remember the most important element in improving the intelligence of children is what you do with your child and not just what they can.
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